女同 telegram 脸书男职工将有四个月陪产假


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    女同 telegram 脸书男职工将有四个月陪产假
    发布日期:2024-10-14 12:47    点击次数:99

    女同 telegram 脸书男职工将有四个月陪产假

    脸书男职工将有四个月陪产假 女同 telegram

    Facebook has announced new fathers working for the company will be allowed to take four months paid paternity leave. 脸书公司晓谕,公司初为东说念主父的男职工们将领有为期四个月的带薪陪产假。

    The announcement comes after the company's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed last week that he would be taking two months off work when his first child is born next year. 上周,就在该计谋发布前,脸书公司首创东说念主兼首席施行官马克·扎克伯格泄露,来岁他的第一个孩子出死后,他商酌休两个月的假。

    The new policy, which will come into effect from the beginning of next year, will cover all of Facebook's 11,000 staff worldwide and includes mothers, fathers and same-sex parents. 新计谋将于明岁首凯旋,将惠及公司在环球的总共1.1万名职工,包括总共的母亲、父亲及同性恋父母。

    Announcing the move in a blog post, Facebook's Head of HR and Recruiting, Lori Goler, said: 'In reviewing our parental leave policies, we have decided to make this change because it's the right thing to do for our people and their families. 公司的东说念主力资源及招聘副总裁罗莉·格勒尔在博客中发布了该音信,她说:“通过评估公司当今的育婴假计谋,咱们决定作念出此次更动,因为这岂论是对职工,如故对他们的家庭而言,齐是功德一桩。”

    'Studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families. “因为有商量标明,在任父母多花些时候随同他们的新生儿,对孩子以及总共这个词家庭齐有意。”

    'For too long, paid baby leave has been granted only to a mother who is giving birth. We believe that fathers and mothers alike deserve the same level of support when they are starting and growing a family, regardless of how they define family.' “永久以来,只好隆腾达育的母亲可享受带薪育儿假。咱们合计,岂论若何界说一个家庭,在这个家庭的组建和成长经由中,父亲齐应该与母亲享有同等的温文。”

    Last week, Mr Zuckerberg, head of the world's biggest social network, said he will take two months of paternity leave after his daughter's birth. 行为宇宙最大的酬酢媒体的隆重东说念主,扎克伯格上周示意,犬子出死后女同 telegram,他要休两个月的陪产假。

    He announced in July that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, were expecting a baby girl. 本年七月,他晓谕太太普莉希拉·陈怀胎,胎儿是个女孩。

    The couple met at Harvard in 2003 when he was a sophomore and she was a freshman. 这对夫妇于2003年在哈佛清醒,那时扎克伯格念大二,而普莉希拉是大一新生。

    They were married on May 19, 2012 in a quiet ceremony in their backyard and they announced their nuptials - like their pregnancy - with a post on Facebook. 2012年5月19日,他们在家中的后院低调完婚。两东说念主晓谕婚典及怀胎音信的表情如出一辙,齐是在脸书上发帖。


    In a post on his Facebook page alongside a picture of a pram, a yellow baby carrier and his dog, Beast, he wrote: ''This is a very personal decision. Studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families.' 扎克伯格公布此音信的脸书网页上,还附有一张相片,相片中有一辆黄色的婴儿车,傍边是他的爱犬“比斯特”。他在页面上写说念:“这是一个相配私东说念主的决定。商量标明,在任父母多花时候随同新生儿,对婴儿和家庭齐有意。”


    The 31-year-old did not say who would be running the company while he is on leave. 现年31岁的扎克伯格并未泄露在其请假本事由谁来处分公司。

    It is likely that chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, who oversees all of Facebook's advertising, will assume leadership. 极有可能是交由首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格她当今隆重脸书总共的告白运营。

    Meanwhile, Mr Zuckerberg posted a picture of himself and his family on his Facebook page to mark Thanksgiving. 同期,扎克伯格还在我方的官方主页晒出了一张全家东说念主的感德节合照。


    He shared the Annie Lebowitz shot on his official page, writing; 'Priscilla and I have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving and holiday season, and family is at the top of our list. This is a big year for our little family, and we're so filled with hope for all that's ahead.' 这张相片由安妮·莱博维茨拍摄。扎克伯格写说念:“这个感德节,我和普莉希拉满怀感德之情,家庭对咱们而言最为进攻。本年对咱们的小家来说是意料不凡的一年,咱们对改日充满但愿。”

    Also included in the photo are Zuckerberg's parents Edward and Karen and his sister Arielle. 相片中除了扎克伯格配头外,还有扎克伯格的父亲爱德华、母亲凯伦和姐姐阿丽尔。

    Vocabulary paternity leave:陪产假(产假为maternity leave) parental leave:育婴假 sophomore:大二学生

    英文开首:逐日邮报 译者:张根鸿 审校&裁剪:杜娟女同 telegram

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